What exactly is cloning. This is a process whereby the body (clone) or cell by parthenogenesis or shortest said establishing of multiple organisms of genetically identical cells or organisms as a result of the multiplication of their single ancestor.
Human clone is an identical twin of another person, but born later. He is a human being like. It can be worn by a woman and born and raised in a family like everyone else. Will pass through childhood, puberty … It will be decades younger than his DNA donor. As the identical twins, they also have different fingerprints. The clone will not inherit the memories of the donor and therefore will not be his photocopy, but maybe a smaller twin.
The great advances in science and related rapid development of molecular biology, genetics and artificial insemination made possible attempts to clone plants and animals. Early experiments in cloning, dating from the early 30’s, consists in the artificial division of Twin sites. This procedure incorrectly can be called cloning. The practice of dividing the Twin objects in zoology quite spread in the research community as a stimulus for multiplication of selected objects.
In its biological aspect as a form of artificial reproduction, cloning is carried out without the participation of two gametes, so it is non-gametes and asexual reproduction. Normal fertilization has been replaced by the introduction of a core made from a somatic cell of an individual donor, into an egg from which the nucleus has been removed, i.e. egg without genetic material. (lacking maternal genome). Since nucleus of somatic cells contain all the heredity of the individual on whom it is taken, then the somatic cell count of the new individual will have a copy of that of the donor.
On February 27, 1997 in the journal Nature published the news of the successful cloning of Dolly the sheep from the Scottish team scientists. These news caused negative effects on public opinion. At that time, various ethics committees and institutions express their concern on event. This is a new and raises concern.
The cloning of Dolly has two main aspects. First, it is not known prior separation of embryos comprising several embrioblasts, but the result of a new method called cloning. This cloning is asexual, reproduction non-gametes, which aims at creating individuals biologically identical to the adult, provided their genetic (hereditary) information. The second aspect is related to the fact that by 1997 it was considered that the true and correct cloning is impossible. It is believed that DNA molecules in somatic (body) cells have undergone too many changes to orchestrate the development of a new individual. Realizing that this is possible, the road to human cloning seems open. Human cloning is now seen as a replication of one or more individual genetic and therefore identical to donor somatic genetic material. After initial period of rejection and opposition to cloning an increasingly strong view that there should be freedom of scientific studies and that progress should be suppressed.
Cloning humans is undoubtedly the most discussed trend in modern genetic engineering. There are two main variants thereof and a therapeutically reproductive cloning.
• Cloning of human tissues and organs – therapeutic cloning
Scientists conducting research on so body repair kits (kits for recovery of the human body) after birth the baby is secured with cloned cells, frozen in a national tissue bank. Through these sets can be generated in unlimited quantities of human tissue for transplantation and treatment of incurable diseases. Tissue samples may be taken from a newborn baby and stored in case of need. Thus, they were cloned bodies own cells of an individual, and thus could prevent the risk of graft rejection. They therefore advocate rules to be extended so as to permit therapeutic human cloning and we can all have available our cloned cells, which can then be used for cloning as a new heart. The scheme of the development of such organs is based on the separation of the so-called stem cells that are non-specialized, and therefore, under certain conditions they can evolve all the tissues and organs of human body – brain, blood, liver, spleen, etc. . Thus, when the tissues and organs derived from an individual, wherein the transplantation is to be conducted, they will not be rejected by the body because they contain the same genetic material. This opens up huge new areas to transplantology and relieve it of serious moral and ethical issues in organ donation. The use of this method to create a variety of tissues and organs for the purpose of the medicine, the possibilities for the treatment of many diseases, such as cancers, leukaemia, cardiovascular diseases, diabetes, neurodegenerative diseases, Alzheimer’s and Parkinson ism and others.
Stem cells really offer unprecedented opportunities for the treatment of these difficult and so far incurable diseases. Source of disputes in moral and ethical behavior, however, is the need for their receipt to create, use and destroy human embryos. The problem is not only that they are artificial, but as a consequence of the processes they are destroyed, which the theologians is tantamount to abortion, and he, according to the arguments is a form of murder.
In the absence of better technological solution so far I see no irresolvable moral and ethical issues in this area. I believe that with the development of technology for the cultivation of these cells are less will resort to the use of such embryos and hope in the very near future to further need for them. Do not forget also that this is only one of many possible therapies that are likely to be used in the future and have no doubt that there will be other effective methods quite clear from an ethical point of view.
Another field of application of cloning are xeno-transplants. This is a clone of genetically modified animals, so-called transgenic animal for delivery of tissues and organs of humans. Pretty risky method currently taken on controversial as its major rivals are organizations for the protection of animals.
Main expectations that dream researchers support the cloning of individual tissues and organs in humans are related to hopes that are shared in the public domain, and that did not seem to arouse our indignation so. The first is on medical grounds. Possibility of cloning human organs separately and saving the lives of people who are waiting for transplants. It is believed that this will create healthy bodies that will not only replace dysfunctional, but will not be rejected by the body of this man, because they are derived from his own cells. Heart, liver, limbs, skin, eyes, everything from what some need, as long as this is feasible without prejudice to moral norms.
But as any achievement and it can also have its downside in moral and ethical point of view. If the extraction of these bodies clone per targets people with the sole aim to become a multimillionaire donors, or children who are grown as vegetables until a certain age because they grow desirable bodies.
• Cloning of human reproductive cloning
According to many scientists, the practical application of cloning as a method of reproduction of the human population is fraught with risks of several moral and ethical and social issues in terms of communicating to the people as well as in society as a whole and in its most narrow structures and divisions
It is reasonable to assume that under certain circumstances it is entirely possible to perform human cloning with lower spiritual and mental capabilities, or called. favored individuals that could be used for menial labor. This would lead to a strong discrimination against part of society by creating inferior and elite communities of individuals, both nationally and internationally. Thus the richer nations, cloning naturally the most gifted individuals would obtain a dominant domination economically weaker societies and countries.
Scientists also believe that the reproduction of generations of the genome of only one individual will lead to inequality of both partners in a couple. Moreover, somatic cloning individuals largely negates the existence of the family as a public unit. Once a woman can reproduce itself with its one egg and one of his somatic nucleus could reasonably question arises, where is the place of the man. Also in solving the problem of wear out female clone the same reason this question can be asked for the location of the woman.
The preservation of the human species, evolution is connecting multiple screenings equality mechanisms that underpin the integrity of the family in which the lead is the reproduction of generations. If the social motivation for reproduction of the species Homo sapiens disappear, which is quite possible with the massive application of cloning, it will destroy the family structure.
According to psychologists, early aging of clones genetically related injuries, irreversible disorder of the biological profile, moral and ethical issues, including those of a religious nature do not cover issues related to the development of cloning. The main difficulties of this biotechnological method yet to come. In purely psychological term clone would differ radically from their peers born naturally.
According to leading psychologists determinant of this difference is the lack of intrauterine relationship with the mother, which is crucial for the ability of the child experiences the emotional relationships with others. It is known that it is through dreams and dreams during pregnancy natural mother in contact with your future child. Psychologists say that this man was joined by the universal or archetypal memory, a reflection of which are myths, legends and fairy tales. Lack of experienced experience like this would be a prerequisite for the feeling of total alienation, withdrawal, inability to implement the specific relationship of reciprocity between the mother and her child in a later stage of development.
According to modern psychotherapy, specific memories from the moment of birth, each of us subconsciously keeps correspond to the initiation rituals of death and rebirth in archaic societies. It is customary to believe that they are the determining factor for the spiritual and even religious development of man in his later years. That is why psychologists are of the opinion that artificially reproduced human beings are deprived of meaningful religious and spiritual experiences. On the other hand, refers to a risk of so-called. sexual neutrality in the clones.
Scientists fear a repetition of already living person. Society will require newly personality like its predecessor. And how society will accept these children, made in non-sexual way. Believe that it will damage the parent-children.
E theoretically also possible for someone to clone Hitler, Stalin or Einstein, but he would not have been fully what purposes. First need living body cells that have been preserved and preserved until today. Even more important is that due to different conditions and environment in the womb and after birth, these clones will think and act the same way. The formation of the character and the individual is not only a result of genetics, and the conditions of the living environment of the individual.
So even if technically we could clone Einstein in the growth and maturation of a clone in a different environment, much different than the original, we can not be sure that he would be interested in science, and that there will be some breakthroughs in the same areas as the original. Therefore, my personal view is that there is no point of cloning people already lived whatever merit or not they have to humanity. Even if you have these clones, the very attempt to model the environment in which they live in order to show the quality of the donor would be a blatant violation of their personal freedom and choice.
According to the ethics people are what they are and should be adopted ones. They should not be subject to the design of other people, or the fundamental difference between humans as subjects and objects will disappear, which would have dire consequences for human dignity. The social consequences of these changes would have been serious, it would be a new era in human history in which genetics device human race as a whole will be subject to market pressures. Therefore, progress in technology should always be accompanied by progress in thinking.