For our Officials to Question their Ethical moral from top to very bottom.
We all know that presently our officials are looking to balance budget; no surprise there. Their problem here; is not a solving the situation that our country is facing, but how are they going to put feather into their hats, these applies to Democrats and Republicans. Moran’s are bickering like coyotes over piece of flesh (from people of this country), which is going to get larger piece, and putting country in to larger or deeper economic crises. Every body knows that sacrifice will need to be made. But that it should be solved with the people that can afford, and not with those that can barely afford to put bread on they table now. At the present some of our Legislator mentality is not apprehending situation what our people are in. All they care how they can put more money into their packets and them supporters. It is sad that democratic system (namely Our Legislators) can’t see beyond their noses or they see it but don’t care, which is my believe that is more then else! It is demn shame that our country officials squabbling over something like country budget that some of them want people to chose between the bread and medicine to keep them alive. However in mean time scum bags banking oversea and having VILA’S on the islands and register Yachts’ in foreign countries. This is for any person with some intelligence to make you “puke”!!!
Tracy, CA